Locations and contacts

We have clinics in Tallinn and Harju County. We offer a comprehensive healthcare journey: family doctors, nurses, specialised medical care, rehabilitation and examinations.
City Centre – Stockmann
At Medicum City Centre clinic we offer multiple services both for adults and children – family doctors, specialised medical care, rehabilitation and examinations. Clinic is located on the 5th floor of Stockmann.
Family doctors, specialised medical care, rehabilitation and examinations.
- Address
- Stockmann – 5th floor
Liivalaia 53, 10145, Tallinn - Opening times
- Mon – Thur 8.00 – 20.00
Fri 8.00 – 18.00
Before 10 am, entrance is from the parking garage side lifts or stairs on Liivalaia street.
- Reception
- 605 0601
Parking and getting there
How to get there?
- Before 10 am, entrance is from the parking garage side lifts or stairs on Liivalaia street.
- From 10 am, the main entrance of Stockmann is also opened. korrusele saab kõige mugavamalt liikuda kasutades eskalaatorit.
- When arriving by car, parking is available at the parking garage. Lifts will take you to 5th floor.
- All parking garage floors have lifts that take you directly to Medicum (5th froor).
- When arriving through Stockmann shopping centre main entrance, take the escalators to arrive on 5th floor.
- Parking fee applies to the parking garage.
- Every 30min is 2 eur.
- 1h free of charge when you make a purchase from Stockmann shopping centre and register your Stockmann Member card.
Nearby parking:
- Maakri 34 (Europark)
- Tornimäe parkimismaja (Europark)
At Lasnamäe we offer various services – family doctors, nurses, specialised medical care, dentistry, rehabilitation and examinations. Family Doctors building has a separate entrance.
Specialised medical care, dentists, rehabilitation
- Address
- Punane 61, 131619 Tallinn
- Opening times
- Mon-Fri 8.00 – 20.00
- Analysis
- Mon-Fri 8.00 – 18.00
- X-ray
- Mon-Fri 8.00 – 19.45
- Specialised medical care
- 605 0601
medicum@medicum.ee - Rehabilitation
- 605 0640
info.taastus@medicum.ee - Dentists
- 605 0601
Parking and getting there
- Free parking on Vilisuu and Punane streets. 1h free. 51 cents is always added to the parking fee as a mobile operator fee.
- Behind the Medicum building is a paid parking area, entrance from the side of Punane street. To enter the car park, please call the number on the gate. Paid parking is 1 euro per hour or 3 euros per day. Payment is made through the phone operator.
- Family Doctors building has a separate entrance.
- Kesklinnast tulevad bussid nr 31, 35, 44, 54, 66 otse Pikri bussipeatusesse, mis asub Medicumi maja ees.
Family Doctors
- Address
- Vilisuu 6, Tallinn 13626
- Opening times
- Mon-Fri 8.00–18.00
- Reception
- 605 0600
perearstikeskus@medicum.ee - Analysis
- Mon-Fro 8.00–18.00
(Punane 61) - X-ray
- Mon-Fri 8.00–19.45
(Punane 61)
Parking and getting there
- Free parking on Vilisuu and Punane streets. 1h free. 51 cents is always added to the parking fee as a mobile operator fee.
- Behind the Medicum building is a paid parking area, entrance from the side of Punane street. To enter the car park, please call the number on the gate. Paid parking is 1 euro per hour or 3 euros per day. Payment is made through the phone operator.
- Family Doctors building has a separate entrance.
- Kesklinnast tulevad bussid nr 31, 35, 44, 54, 66 otse Pikri bussipeatusesse, mis asub Medicumi maja ees.
Medicumi Peetri esinduses pakume nii perearstide, eriarstide kui ka taastusravi valdkonna teenuseid. Family Doctors building has a separate entrance.
Family Doctors
- Address
- Küti tee 4, Peetri alevik, Rae vald, 75312 Harjumaa
- Opening times
- Mon, Wed, Fri R 8.00 – 16.00
Tue 8.00 – 18.00
- Reception
- Family Doctors 600 7374
Physiotherapy 605 9900; 5665 9937 - Analysis
- Mon, Wed, Fri 8.00 – 11.00
At Medicum Turba we offer Family Doctors’ services. Family Doctors building has a separate entrance.
Family Doctors
- Address
- Metsa 3-48, Turba, Saue vald, Harjumaa
- Opening times
- Mon-Wed, R 8-16
Thur 10-18.30
- Reception
- 673 5503
perearstikeskus@medicum.ee - Analysis
- Mon, Wed, Fri 8.00 – 10.30
At Medicum Padise we offer Family Doctors’ services. Family Doctors building has a separate entrance.
Family Doctors
- Address
- Padise rahvamaja, 76001 Harju maakond, Estonia
- Opening times
- Mon 8.00-18.30
Tue-Fri 8.00-16.00
- Reception
- 735 1559
- Analysis
- Tue, Thur 8-10.30